Welcome to the 49th MNRS Annual Research Conference 2025 sponsor and exhibitor resource center.
This will serve as your access point for all things related to this year’s Conference. To get started, enter the user name and password you received in the welcome email. If you are in need of your login information, or have questions about logging in, please contact rkimbrell@parthenonmgmt.com.
Step 1: Select your package.
Step 2: Select your exhibitor booth on our live floorplan. *If you do not wish to purchase an exhibit booth, skip this page*
Step 3: Select your sponsorship packages.
Step 4: Register for the conference. *The registration information entered must belong to the primary booth contact who will receive the complimentary full conference registration.*
Step 5: Review your cart.
Step 6: Checkout
Step 7: Register your booth staff. *Each booth is allowed up to 3 exhibitor booth ONLY passes for $185 each. These individuals will have access to the Exhibit Hall ONLY. All Exhibit Only attendees MUST be registered in advance via our online registration portal. You will receive a link and instructions in your confirmation email to register your booth staff.
Step 8: Complete all deliverables required of your sponsorship before the stated deadline.